The start of the legislative session is over 4 months away. Why should I bother to get my bill requests in now?

Submitting bill requests for 2012 now, or as early as possible, provides you with several advantages. The designated bill drafter will contact you, by phone or email, soon after your bill request is assigned. This gives you plenty of time to discuss your request with the drafter and for the drafter to do any necessary research. You can also conduct meetings with stakeholders and constituents to discuss ideas relating to the bill request, and you will have the opportunity to review more drafts of the bill than if you wait until December to submit your request. Finally, requesting your bill early may allow you to obtain an early estimate on the fiscal impact of your bill and leave you enough time to make changes before introduction if necessary. Submitting your bill requests early may save you from having to introduce a strike-below amendment at the first committee hearing!

Also, keep in mind that the deadline for a member to submit his or her first 3 bill requests is December 1. This date will be here sooner than we think.