While your bill is still in the possession of the OLLS, any other member may let the Office know that he or she wants to be a sponsor on your bill. The member can notify the OLLS in person, by phone, or in writing, including e-mail, and we will add his or her name to your bill. Also, there are sponsor sheets available in the OLLS front office. If you have other members initial this sheet and you return it to the OLLS, we will also add these members as sponsors.
Once your bill is delivered to you by the sergeant-at-arms, you may have other members sign on as sponsors by having them sign their names on the sponsor sheet inside the back cover of your bill. The names of all members that sign this sheet will be added to the bill before it is printed. Remember that you can’t add sponsors to a bill this way if the bill is delivered directly to the front desk.
As you may recall, one of your bills must be introduced on the first day of session. Since the Office must deliver this bill directly to the front desk before the legislative session starts, you can only have other members sign on as sponsors of your first bill if, before we deliver your bill to the front desk, they drop by, call, or email the OLLS or you turn in an initialed sponsor sheet.