Can’t You Fix That in the Revisor’s Bill?
by Jennifer Gilroy, Revisor of Statutes It seems that most people who are involved in the legislative process in any way whatsoever have heard about the revisor’s bill — a […]
by Jennifer Gilroy, Revisor of Statutes It seems that most people who are involved in the legislative process in any way whatsoever have heard about the revisor’s bill — a […]
by OLLS Staff The 2013 legislative interim has kept several interim committees busy considering myriad issues ranging from wildfires to the legal representation of juveniles to the treatment of mentally […]
A Book Review by Chuck Brackney The primary draw for citizens of Colorado in this recent book by financial analyst Meredith Whitney is her contention that the future of financial […]
by Patti Dahlberg It’s November — which means the first bill request deadline is coming up fast! Somehow each year time seems to slip away until this first bill request […]