New Year, New Logo

by Sarah Meisch

The Office of Legislative Legal Services (OLLS) has recently rolled out its first office-specific logo. This logo will be used on OLLS communications moving forward, including office letterhead, email signature blocks, envelopes, memo and legal opinion headers, business cards, and the OLLS website. The logo should make OLLS office communications with legislators and others more easily recognizable as coming from the OLLS.

What is it?

The OLLS has created a unique logo to represent the office, seeking to distinguish its role within the legislative department and better differentiate this role from the other legislative service agencies. The logo connects our professional responsibilities to the General Assembly with homages to the state of Colorado. The design features the Colorado “C” of the state flag, as well as a quill and book to symbolize the bill drafting and written legislative and legal research work performed by the office. The feather of the quill is that of our state bird, the lark bunting.

How was it designed?

Initially, the OLLS considered using customizable logo websites or soliciting designs from students in a local art program to design an OLLS-specific logo. It was determined, however, that Shannon Wheeler, an OLLS Legislative Editor, with her artistic background and knowledge of the role the OLLS plays in serving the legislature, was the perfect candidate to help with the in-house rebranding of the office. She illustrated several designs that incorporated books, governmental architecture, Colorado scenery, and the Colorado “C” for the office’s consideration. The OLLS Management team selected the final design, presented above, which has already been included in some OLLS staff emails and will soon be on office letterhead and business cards, and in other communications.

We hope that you like our new logo as much as we do!