Bill Summaries — Your Source for the “Quick and Dirty” on a Bill
by Patti Dahlberg You’re running late, you’re trying to get a handle on the bills they just called up on special orders, and there are seven bills on your committee […]
by Patti Dahlberg You’re running late, you’re trying to get a handle on the bills they just called up on special orders, and there are seven bills on your committee […]
by Thomas Morris You may have noticed that some of the bills recently drafted by the Office of Legislative Legal Services have begun to use the word “must” in some […]
by Thomas Morris Open your statute book to any statutory section and you’re likely to find a sentence something like the following: “The fine shall be imposed by the court […]
by Ed DeCecco What is your purpose? It’s a big question; one that can confound even the greatest of thinkers. And it is a question that the attorney drafting your […]
by Julie Pelegrin A constituent has just brought you a great idea for a bill. It’s such a great idea that you can’t believe someone hasn’t already introduced a bill […]