US Supreme Court Resolves a Playground Fight

by Brita Darling In a recent LegiSource article, “Missouri Tires – Colorado Schools,” I described the nexus between the then-pending United States Supreme Court case Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia, […]

Change in Leadership for OLLS

After 28 years working for the Colorado General Assembly, Dan Cartin has left the building. This past Tuesday, he quietly said goodbye to his friends in the OLLS and headed […]

Interim Committees: Just the Facts, Ma'am

by Jery Payne Duuuh-d’duh-duh. Duuuuh-d’duh-duh duuuuuuuuhhhh. This is bill drafter Jery Payne. The blog you are about to read is true with regard to the rules, requirements, and procedures for […]